Mars Class Air offers both schedule and Charter flights in conjunction with other airlines across the globe.
We will always source the right schedule flight as per your requirements on any route, your dedicated flight expert is available 24/7 to assist you with any requirements you may have, from arranging in-flight charter and schedule flights to making late changes to your flights.
The spacious rooms have a bathroom with hairdryer, direct dial telephone.
The Golden Bay, heated and opened in 2003, with a total of 380 rooms.
At Mars Class Air Travel & Tours, we offer best tour plans for both Domestic and international travel.
The following are examples of areas we offer best plans.
Mars Class Air offers both schedule and Charter flights in conjunction with other airlines across the globe
we aspire to build our reputation for going an extra mile to turn their trip into a lifetime memory and experience never to be forgotten.
With Mars Class Air Travel & Tours, you, our corporate client, is accorded only the best in travel management services. We go an extra mile in ensuring your individual travel needs have been addressed by helping you develop and implement a comprehensive travel policy that suits your organizational travel objectives.